Place a simple signature line with a link to an offer as a footer in every one of your emails you send out to your list.
If Your Business Isn’t Generating Cash on Demand Right Now, You’re Doing it Wrong
Of course this is just my opinion, but I think you’ll see the logic…
As Affiliate/Online marketers, if we build our business correctly,
then we can create money whenever we decide to do so.
For one Affiliate, it might be sending out a terrific offer to their list and
getting orders back within hours. For someone with a highly popular site,
it might be putting an unbeatable offer on their site and collecting the cash.
For a membership site or software as a service site, it might mean offering
a year’s membership for a low price. For someone offering services...
it might be offering a special deal to clients for the next 7 days.
You’ll notice that all of these boil down to one thing – keeping a list of customers,
members or leads and having permission to contact them at will. There it is again…
You need a list! Because a list is and likely always will be the online ticket to cash on demand!
Carl J Weinfurtner II, is an Internet Marketing Coach/Consultant and CEO/Business Owner of his own HUB/Website at If you want to start making money online, he recommends going to his HUB/Website (Home on The Internet) to have a look around and JOIN his VIP Inner Circle Community to LEARN how to Make More Money and create a PASSIVE Income that you can enjoy even when you are on vacation or sleeping!
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Place a simple signature line with a link to an offer as a footer in every one of your emails you send out to your list.
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