Place a simple signature line with a link to an offer as a footer in every one of your emails you send out to your list.
Less than 1% of people in Network Marketing Earn $3,000+ per month!
As great as the Network Marketing Industry is...
The truth is that while most people promote the dream... They are living a NIGHTMARE!
Less than 1% of people in Network Marketing make $3,000+ per month!
Then there is another 2% of people who make $1,000 to $2,000 per month.
And another 2% who make $300 to $500 per month. That's right -
ONLY 5% of people in Network Marketing make any significant income.
The other 95% of people make little to NO money at all... nothing, nada!
Until now...
This Business model has Completely Changed the Game!
When you really dig into these stats, you will also discover that the biggest reason
that 95% make little to NO money, is that they can not afford to qualify for a monthly check,
when they can not afford to pay for their monthly order. This is why the Retention Rate Industry-wide,
is less than 3 months. And... another reason why the Top Leaders can never truly walk away.
Because they have to constantly rebuild every few months to replace the hundreds of people
who joined only 90 days prior. Well, with this Business Model, we have completely FLIPPED
the Script on Network Marketing FAILURE! We have over 90% Retention for the past 12 Months,
over 350,000 people in 100% PROFIT, and just enrolled nearly 1,000,000 People in less than
13 months... and we are just getting warmed up!
Listen... If you want 2024 to be better than 2023... Watch the short Video above. Then...
Click HERE to Register for all the details about the Company, Products,
System and Compensation Plan at my personal company website.
My Team and I have been playing around with this Company for the past few months and
now that we have HUGE Proof of Concept... We are taking THOUSANDS of people with us
in 2024. If you would like to be one of them, watch this 5 minute video above with our CEO,
Register for a FREE Tour, and LEARN about how to ride the wave of THE Biggest Success Story
in Network Marketing History and HOW to write yourself right into the script so that YOU can
finally get paid what "YOU are WORTH" this coming year.
Looking forward to working with you in 2024!
Carl J Weinfurtner II, is an Internet Marketing Coach/Consultant and CEO/Business Owner of his own HUB/Website at If you want to start making money online, he recommends going to his HUB/Website (Home on The Internet) to have a look around and JOIN his VIP Inner Circle Community to LEARN how to Make More Money and create a PASSIVE Income that you can enjoy even when you are on vacation or sleeping!
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Place a simple signature line with a link to an offer as a footer in every one of your emails you send out to your list.
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Learn How To Launch Your Own Wildly Affiliate Marketing Business In Just 7 Days.